New Year, New beginning!

“No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again”. Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and abundant 2021! We had such great break over Christmas. Hope you all had good Christmas as well. Anyway, we will be back on the 5th of January, you are welcome to give us call anytime and…


Gutters Maintenance in Winter

Keeping your gutters clean and in good shape can be an uphill task. Winter is the worst season for gutters as the dangerous weather brings excessive foliage which can end up destroying your gutters. Even though there is a variety of effective ways to keep them clear, it’s always advisable that you get professionals to…


working in a cold weather

We have experienced pretty cold weather this week as temperature hit very low in the mornings. That didn’t stop us to carrying on with gutter cleaning. Going up and down on ladders, using our tools to clean any possible blockage out, sweeping moss and leaves off roofs. It can get really tough sometimes during these…
