Going to get closer cleaning Guttering in Bath
Going to get closer cleaning Guttering in Bath
Going to get closer cleaning Guttering in Bath
Time for the winter woolies soon i think
This years Chas sorted Clean & Bright Windows CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) was created by experienced health and safety professionals in 1997 to improve health and safety standards across the UK.
Cleaning windows in Bath is always nice on the eye this time of year with all the leaves on the trees changing colour but remember where there end up in your guttering.
Cleaning windows in Bath is always nice on the eye this time of year with all the leaves on the trees changing colour but remember where there end up in your guttering book soon for your guttering clean.
Hoping the indian summer rolls on great for Guttering cleaning on Bath
No way i would like to have been on that one https://www.newsflare.com/video/154701/crime-accidents/window-cleaning-cradle-drops-from-skyscraper
Good time off year for gutter cleaning winter on its way heavy rain
Clean and Bright Gutters now looking at taking on more work in the Bath area window cleaning No 1 for window cleaners in Bath https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/114262268280025921937/114262268280025921937
May have to try light duties soon as the insurance company states on page 7 somewere that still taking more than 50% from your business no pay out never said that when taken out 12-14 years ago Cigna Insurance robbing B……s